Fr isaac mary relyea sspx
Fr isaac mary relyea sspx

fr isaac mary relyea sspx fr isaac mary relyea sspx

Stefano Manelli F.I, founder of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. PADRE PIO SAID THAT MARTIN LUTHER IS IN HELL AND CHRISTIANS WHO FOLLOW HIM WILL MEET THE SAME END: By Fr.In this regard, we encourage everyone to continue faithfully to pray the 54-day Rosary Novena for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in which we are currently engaged. Friends of Father Isaac Mary Relyea January 12, 2017 The Fatima Center will continue with its mission to make the Fatima Message known, fully understood, loved and obeyed by all. In your charity, please pray for Father Isaac and The Fatima Center. We sincerely hope Father Isaac and The Fatima Center will work together again. Fr Isaac Mary Relyea: The Evils of Mortal Sin Sensus Fidelium 244K subscribers 35K views 10 years ago Fr Isaac on his 3rd talk during the annual retreat on mortal sin. We pray for his happiness and for success in all his future endeavors. We thank Father Isaac for all he has done for The Fatima Center over the past three years. Like Father Isaac, The Fatima Center maintains that our beloved Church is suffering through a grave crisis, which will be solved only by greater adherence and fidelity by the Catholic hierarchy and faithful to the Message of Our Lady of Fatima. The Fatima Center loves, respects and honors Father Isaac, and is deeply grateful for his priesthood and for the service he renders Holy Mother Church. This parting of ways has nothing to do with Father Isaac’s message, preaching, videos or conferences.

fr isaac mary relyea sspx

With deep regret, the directors and management team of The Fatima Center wish to advise that Father Isaac Mary Relyea will not be working with The Fatima Center for the foreseeable future.

Fr isaac mary relyea sspx