Bamboo bike workshop brooklyn
Bamboo bike workshop brooklyn

bamboo bike workshop brooklyn

We’re confident that benefiting people, communities, society, the environment and future generations is the new advantage in business. Take the example of the Bamboo Bike Studio in Red Hook, Brooklyn. COMMON is a living network of creative people rapidly prototyping progressive businesses designed to solve social problems. HERO is a 501c3 non-profit organization.ĬOMMON is one part community, one part business prototyper, and one part collaborative brand. HERO began in 1994 by a group of committed citizens who wanted to create a strong community focused on family.

bamboo bike workshop brooklyn

As a non-profit housing resource center, HERO provides community resources and housing education. HERO works as a catalyst for community development in areas of the Alabama Black Belt to end rural poverty. Many of these projects have been covered by the New York Times, GOOD, Fast Company, and numerous design publications. We’ve delivered supplies to Hurrican Katrina victims, opened a pie shop and community center in rural Alabama, built a horseshoe park in Detroit, protested in Iceland, inspired bankers in Germany, and provided clean drinking water to homes in need-just to name a few. Project M is a collective of designers and creative doers who develop ideas to improve the world and work together to make them happen. A bike building studio was opened in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district in November by BBS co-founder Sean Murray. They recently started a bicycle-building factory in Ghana, the first of its kind. The Brooklyn-based Bamboo Bike Studio(BBS), where DIYers make their own bike frame out of bamboo in a two-day workshop, is opening satellite studios and branching out into the assembly of steel frame bikes. They spread the love of bike-making by running build-your-own-bike workshops and selling build-your-own-bike kits. The Bamboo Bike studio is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York and San Francisco, California.

Bamboo bike workshop brooklyn